ニコール・アニストンのインスタグラム(realnicoleaniston) - 3月21日 22時47分

Good morning beautiful soul! If you’re reading this, I hope you’re feeling as inspired, confident, and positively motivated for the future as I am! No matter what the temporary measures in place may be in each of the regions we reside, we have a unique opportunity to pursue prevailing compassion and worldwide community, without blame or bias toward any specific group. We’re all affected in some way currently, and now more than ever, we can benefit greatly as a species, and as souls, if we can set aside our differences, forgive, and be a true unified front. We no longer require a system that’s manipulated our perceptions, creating servitude, separatism, judgement, comparison, and false fear. It is our right to be unified as a greater whole; a creative collective consciousness that deserves freedom, and individual souls welling up with incredibly unique and gifted potential who are just waiting patiently to be told it’s acceptable to think outside the “box”. YOU are valuable, one of a kind, and so very loved. 👽💜☮️ -
📸 @smulderphotography -
#vegansofig #plantbased #crueltyfree #ahimsa #moksha #compassion #freedom #unity #love #peace #catalystchaos #transformation #kindness #forgiveness #unifiedfield #source


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




