チャーリー・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(charlyjordan) - 3月19日 04時15分

So crazy how much my skin has changed the past couple weeks from this new routine. The skincare industry can be hard to navigate with how many products there are. For the past year I was using non-organic products with random oils in them that were causing my skin to break out with cystic acne. I stopped making videos without makeup because of how insecure I was. But we back! Thanks to @sonyadakar and all her organic products that changed my skin like crazy in just three weeks! I know it seems like a lot of product but they’re all super light and very clean so the combo is perfect!
Use my code ‘Charly15’ for 15% off all products on her website till this Friday!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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