アレックス・シブタニのインスタグラム(alexshibutani) - 3月16日 09時12分

If you’re out, go home - and stay home, if you can. It’s not just about making sure you don’t get the virus. It’s about making sure you don’t give it to someone at high risk so that hospital systems and medical professionals aren’t overwhelmed. This will “flatten the curve” and save lives.
And this is not an overreaction. COVID-19 is not the flu. It’s worse. It’s deadlier, more contagious, and more likely to disrupt our healthcare system here in the U.S.
There is an opportunity to save lives through actions that we can take now. The earlier we act, the greater impact we can have and the more lives we can save. We will not be able to do this in a few weeks - it will be too late.
Share verified/factual information and look out for one another. Try to keep your spirits up - eat healthy food, get enough sleep, make sure to exercise. We all need to be smart, proactive, and positive. Also, stop hoarding supplies. Be decent, be kind, and think of ways you can help others. Donate to organizations serving those in need: @who, @feedingamerica, etc. (pls tag more organizations in the comments). CGI art: Juan Delcan
Graphic: CDC, Christina Animashaun/Vox

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