與那嶺恵理のインスタグラム(eriyonamine) - 3月14日 05時43分

Should do something JOY myself in the time of hardship(Not me But society)🤔 So, today’s plan was to make somewhere destination 📍Ride to there 🚴🏻‍♀️& have lunch 😋
📸1: I got a few part of rain🌧, cold🥶, cross wind & lots of up down↗️↘️ route = totally enjoyed good training 💪🏻finally I reached there and have warm soup 🥣 Deserve it 😄
📸2: I had known there all Belgium restaurant (cafe, shop except supermarket) is closed in next 3weeks from tomorrow😳
📸3: What a ....🤬🤯 No more this fun ride in 3weeks 😭
Anyway, I keep searching good vibes in such a tough time 😤😜


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