ロザリオ・ドーソンのインスタグラム(rosariodawson) - 3月10日 11時21分

Not Me Us
I got to vote for Bernie again and I did. Whoever it is that you’re supporting I hope that you are doing it consciously, with heart and with a ballot. Talking about things helps but actions speak louder than words. To all of you on the sidelines, we need you. Please register and vote. Make this election one for the history books. Turn out needs to be historic to drive home the message that we stand for something bigger and better than what we have now. That we truly stand for each other. Earthizen Humanity First! Please-No more bullying. No more mocking. No more trolling. We can be better than that so why not be? Let our decency, honesty and humanity ring loud and true. It’s much more constructive, believe me. March to the polls and let’s make sure folks are registered and able to vote by any means necessary.
PS: Upset about our primary/electoral system? Elections and much else (equity much?) aren’t fair. Voter suppression efforts like redistricting, gerrymandering and voter purging (among many other issues) have long since made that clear. That’s why voting is only one of many ways we can transform our system for the better (fill out your census!). So please stay in the game, no matter what, and continue the fight our ancestors fought with fewer means and resources, not just so that we could bicker on social media, but so that we could continue to improve conditions for each other and make the path that much better, healthier and clearer for the generations to come. Blessings to you all. #NotMeUs


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