フェリシティー・パルマティアーのインスタグラム(flickpalmateer) - 3月8日 05時19分

Don’t look into the mirror to find power, you’re beauty is not equated with your self worth.

Your body is going to change, flow with it.
Don’t get caught up in comparisons and other people’s opinions of your body.

Let go of getting fit. Running so many flights of stairs, you can hardly breath.
Stop starving yourself. 
Stop obsessing over numbers on a scale and calories in a meal because that doesn’t mean you’re fit or healthy either.

Don't workout to try and look a certain way. 
Workout and train because it makes you feel strong and empowered.
Chose courage over comfort 
You can’t be brave if you’re not scared 
and to admit you’re scared is to be vulnerable.
And in vulnerability is incredible beauty and relatability.

To trust that within the unknown is growth;  and growth gives life its true richness.

It's pressure that forces change, without it, we do not grow.
Then we are not rich.

Be grateful, opportunity strikes those with an open heart.

Family is important to you and you should spend as much time with them as possible.
When times get tough you’ll look to them for support. They will always be there for you.
Love who you want and don’t be afraid to show it. 
Learn to recognise love and to know that you ARE loved.
And always know – your mother loves you - even if you discover that one day she herself can no longer tell you.

Stay expressive, keep surfing, keep painting – creativity is true expression. 
it’s when time stands still that you know you’re on your path.
Don’t trade your authenticity for approval …
Your softness and empathy is not a weakness but a gift.
Become best friends with your intuition.
Ultimately, that internal voice is our only reckoner …

Love felicity.
#internationalwomensday #IWD #femaleempowerment


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