リヴ・タイラーのインスタグラム(misslivalittle) - 3月6日 08時34分

@911lonestar .. ever since I was a little girl I’ve always had a song in my heart. I sing morning , noon and night , mostly to myself.
Sometimes very loud in the shower , while driving in my car or when no one Is looking. I grew up in a home filled with music with musicians for parents and music always my greatest passion , a way to connect to ones deepest most true emotions and feelings. A way to relate to the world.
I was so lucky to get to share my secret love of singing with my character Michelle on 911 lone star. The producers had an idea that michelle loved to sing but struggled to find the courage to let her voice be heard.
I was so excited by this as I relate so much myself.
I chose this song till I gain control again as it’s one of my faves of all time. Written by Rodney Crowell and sung over the years by some of my absolute favorite singers and story tellers like emmylou Harris , Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings . They used a little bit of the song in a recent episode and it was such a joy for me to sing .
Thank you Tim Davis @loudmouthmuch for your guidance and amazing producer skills.


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