ジャック・ガラットのインスタグラム(jackgarratt) - 2月27日 20時48分

I have grown since 2016. Emotionally, and physically. I’ve learnt patience & my gut is larger (there’s a lesson in there about my eyes being too big for my stomach, and how that hunger affects both my career and my belt size, but this is not that lesson).
I’ve learnt to take better care of my body and mind. I don’t find it necessarily enjoyable, but much like caring for a cast iron skillet, if you want to keep it cooking for life you can’t just throw it in the sink and soak it when it looks tired and rusted. It needs daily care. Not hours of dedicated pruning, just everyday cautiousness. A fragile thing for daily use.

A friend of mine was telling me he needed a weekend away from work, to reset and regenerate. We talked about self care and therapy and ended up at an all too familiar junction- that though we understood the importance of talking about our mental health, there is an air of ‘what now’ once the conversation is over. After that weekend away, that reset, what now? Return to a highly stressful environment and force ourselves to NEED that time off again in 6 months?
All I know is what I’ve experienced. The music industry has an incredible ability to be reactive about about these kinds of conversations, but from what I’ve seen it fails to have the agency necessary to be proactive about what to do with the discussions around mental health. There is incredible work being done by mental health organisations and charities, and many people within the industry take it upon themselves to ask for help when they need it, but surely at a time when so much of our music is written about mental health there’s a worthwhile investment to be made in offering something more regimented than a conference or a quick ‘how are you doing?’. I have such an amazing and open team, from management to agents to label reps. They want me to be healthy and well. But I think what I’m suggesting is that we continue to encourage destigmatising the topic of mental health in the work place by proactively including it as something that gets its own line on the agenda. To have a box that only gets ticked once those who need it are given the chance to express what they might need. 🤍


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