ギンタ・ラピーナのインスタグラム(gintalapina) - 2月11日 00時09分

The humpback whale.
Adults range in 12-16 m and weigh around 25-30 metric tons. Humpback whales typically migrate up to 25,000 km each year. They feed in polar waters and migrate to tropical waters to breed and give birth, fasting, and living off their fat reserves. Their diet consists mostly of krill and small fish.
Being here in Antarctica, I have had the pleasure to see them up close being on the water surface and seeing them dance and come out of the water. I can tell you that this has been the most magical experience ever. They are well aware of their size and surroundings. They won’t flip you over but gently swim by you if they are curious. I was crying happy tears. Words can’t explain the feeling you have after being so close to them. I’m so grateful that they allowed us so close and see a small part of their life here. It’s magical! Mom and a baby swam underneath my kayak, and I could feel the emotions, vibrations, and calmness coming thru. Our amazing expedition guides @martinenckell, and @onlyonewild @eyosexpeditions told us they hadn’t seen this in 20 years that they would come up to us so close, must be a good aura.

I love you, whales!
And this beautiful planet. Please, let’s all take care of it so our next generations can see this magnificent wildlife for many years to come!

📷 @sheltondupreez

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