ジョン・バロウマンのインスタグラム(johnscotbarrowman) - 2月8日 01時02分

❌ Competition has now closed! Winner to be announced 21/02/2020 ❌

Hey everyone, it's competition time! 🎼 To celebrate my new clothing line JB x Dobell we've given you another opportunity to win!
The prize? 2 tickets to Greenwich Music Time to watch me perform + an overnight stay in London.
So, to enter head over to @dobellclothing and find this picture of me in their feed. The instructions will be there, and don't forget to give them a follow to be in with a chance of winning!
The winner will be announced on 21/02/2020 - Good luck everyone! Jb
#JBxDobell #fabulous #giveaway #competition #suits #tuxedos


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



