ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 2月4日 19時32分

It takes either courage or stupidity, I guess, to test if the iPhone which holds ALL my current essential info really DOES perform safely under water. I did back it up ... but then I looked at the charging socket and thought ... “Watertight ? Really ?!” Well, you can see what happened. And my phone - thank Heavens - is still alive to tell the tale. But if it’s as easy as this, how come we haven’t seen hundreds of IG posts of people’s kiddies swimming under water on their hols ?! Or selfies in their baths for that matter ? Hmmmm ... maybe I just missed that ! Well - wanna try ? Wanna risk it ? The Underwater Selfie ? You can’t really look less glamorous than I do ! Ha ha ! Go on - I dare you !!! 💥💥💥💥 Well ... listen ... on second thoughts, it’s probably irresponsible of me to be daring people to try this. So please don’t do it unless you really ARE prepared to lose your data. I don’t want to be responsible for unhappiness. Just enjoy my foolishness !!! OK ? Bri


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