ダフネ・ジョイのインスタグラム(daphnejoy) - 1月20日 00時17分

I don’t mean to get deep but ... let’s all be grateful for what we have rather then focus on the things we don’t and what we feel we’re entitled to. Comparison is the number one thief of joy. Always remember that your story is already written and Everything is in Divine Order. As long as you do your best, stay focused, and continue being positive, you’re already ahead of the game. Let go of Fear and let go of Control. If I can use my “influence” as an “influencer” today, all I would say is, Be Grateful, take care of yourself mind body and spirit- and keep pushing forward. PS: This is a glimpse of how I speak to my son so I hope you feel the love lol ❤️💪🏽🙏🏽


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




