クナル・ネイヤーのインスタグラム(kunalkarmanayyar) - 12月25日 02時23分

Dear Santa,

On this Christmas: I just want peace. I want peace from every bad thing happening in the world, but mainly I just want peace for everyone who is suffering from inner turmoil. See, if we could truly make everyone at peace within- then they would have no desire to harm themselves. If no person has no desire to harm themselves, then no person would have the desire to harm another person,and no person would want to harm no creature either, and the planet would continue in its natural order and this way we can begin to heal this aching planet once more... So, it would be nice, on this day, for you to grant me this wish. That every person has the courage to become their own best friend, and stops searching outside for what already is inherent in their true nature - which is - peace, love, and all encompassing compassion.

I love you Santa... this Christmas please bring everyone home to themselves.
Now get to work,


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



