ミカエラ・シフリンのインスタグラム(mikaelashiffrin) - 12月18日 01時13分

There are a lot of girls who deserve a big congratulations for today, especially @federicabrignone, for another podium and first win of the season, and @minaholtmann and @wendyholdener for their first GS podiums.💪💪 I would like to tell you more about my day but my thoughts are rambling so much that I can’t even begin... I guess it’s pretty obvious that I’m disappointed and I have absolutely no excuses. It’s on me. Well, crap. 💩...it happens. One thing I do want to say is thank you so much to all of you for being so unfailingly supportive and always trying to lift me up no matter what. I don’t deserve it, but I’ll take it and be so incredibly grateful. 🙏


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