ナスチャのインスタグラム(kiker_chan) - 12月10日 01時10分

So many plans for the end of this year and goals for the next...i wannna start so many new different things in my life, what i was only dreaming about when i was a small girl. And couldn’t even imagine i’ll go so far and so strong...so many things i want to share with you, to create! I feel power, that i can and i’ll (!) do everything I had plan to do. And this stability makes me feel strong, this small girl would never know how she will grow up and do so many amazing stuff, isn’t she?

Thanks to myself that no matter what happens you grew up positive and to my family for supporting me at the worst moments 🤍🐇


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




