Bianca Cheah Chalmersのインスタグラム(biancamaycheah) - 12月8日 05時29分

I now breastfeed 50% and bottle feed 50% (formula or expressed milk). I think I’ve mentioned this before, but as a new mum I’ve had alot of trouble with my milk supply, which I’ve slowly worked through in sorting it out — lactation consultants are 🙌🏽. But the other thing that I haven’t really mentioned, and I feel embarrassed about is that I STILL get flat anxious feelings when I breastfeed and pump. They are the same feelings I got when I had the baby blues. I don’t know why, or what it is, and I thought they’d disappear by now, but those anxious feelings are still there e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e time 😩 and it’s a horrible feeling. I really wish someone would have told me that breastfeeding isn’t easy, and it’s not just about milk supply, there’s also our mental and physical wellbeing that we need to take into consideration.

Oliver is now 4.5 months and we are STILL feeding every 3 hours round the clock 4 ounces per feed as his little belly just won’t take anymore. And since speaking to my doctor about my constant breastfeeding struggles I’ve decided to do 50% breastfeeding and 50% bottle formula/ express just to give my mental health a break. During the nights and early mornings I breastfeed Oliver, then from 10am to 10pm, I bottle feed.
My journey has definitely been tough and still is, but I’m learning as I go and so proud of how far I’ve come in persisting through it all, and I've finally realised that it’s OK and we do what we have to do as mothers. We all have our own struggles and as my IG village of mamas say, a fed baby is a happy baby and a happy mum is a happy baby, and that’s what matters at the end of the day.
Being a mama is hard work and just remember, we’re all doing an amazing job! Look at what we created! So now I’m asking all of YOU, what has been your experience and what do you wished you knew so we can help our village of new mamas out there who are reading this 😘

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#momlife #mumlife #breastfeeding #breastfeedingjourney


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