クラークのインスタグラム(throttleclark) - 11月15日 20時13分

Amor is out today, the first track from my soundtrack to 'Daniel Isn't Real' released by @dgclassics on 6 December. (🔗in bio).
Delighted to release this into the world! For those familiar with my back catalogue this is more in the mould of Autumnal Crush, Body Riddle, or Iradelphic.
It’s quite a familiar chord sequence, which is a welcome relief after the more challenging material on the record, but it’s set against a growing unfamiliar texture, I listened to the drop bit on repeat in the supermarket, lost in bliss by the broccoli section. I want to capture a dream pop guitar band vibe, but I’m not really a guitar type person so am doing it with synths and computers trying to forge a new slab, a new wall of sound.
I think when songs pop out first take as fully formed as this, it’s sort of foolish to ignore them. It's a bit of an exposed moment that I captured. Since writing this I've tried to repeat it about 10 times and haven't come close. Which is an annoying way of realising you’ve nailed something.


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