Kelly McCrearyのインスタグラム(seekellymccreary) - 11月7日 05時55分

So, a little while back I got to do this great extended interview with @entertainmenttonight in which I got super candid about the highs and lows of playing Maggie Pierce, the evolution of my beliefs about beauty and glamour, and how quitting acting led me to the job of my dreams… and my husband @petechatmon. And a whole bunch of other stuff, too! I also actually said the words "Geez Louise," in earnest, putting my Wisconsin roots fully on display. #oneforthehighlightreel I loved being able to share all this with you, and I FINALLY get to do that now that I figured out how to get the thing up on IGTV lol! (Deep humble bows to @ambernicolefouse). I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed doing it! Love love love y’all. Oh! And @mylahmorales and @marjthestylist did the damn thing on makeup and hair, as per usual. 💓


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