ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 11月2日 01時19分

I finally made it to Israel and what a trip it’s been as this place is SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL! This is your daily reminder that the world is so fascinating, it’s your duty to go out and explore and experience EVERYTHING as we only have one life so we must really make it count! And it’s also my duty to push the #laptoplifestyle further than anyone has before as #ilovemyjob and I’m so grateful to be able to trade stocks and teach from ALL OVER THE WORLD thanks to the revolutionary software @stockstotrade and my now 20+ years of financial rules learned the hard way that keep me safe and profitable in an industry where 90% of traders lose. I know it’s been a while since I posted something positive — and I don’t mean to depress everyone — but aside from just using new technology to trade/teach from the craziest places, there’s also an opportunity for us to work together and use social media to get the word out about so many urgent problems to get help faster than ever before and turning a blind eye to them solves nothing! To those who get it, I really appreciate you sharing what we post on @karmagawa and @savethereef with your followers as we can do AMAZING THINGS WHEN WE WORK TOGETHER! PS this isn’t just any body of water, this is the Dead Sea so you actually float on top and if the salty water gets in your eye, it stings like a B and it kills all electronics instantly so the difficulty level on these photos is a 10/10 and sadly @everchanginghorizon was forced to gift his drone to this sea so appreciate the lengths we go to for you! #deadsea #workfromanywhere #jewblue


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




