クリスティン・ベルのインスタグラム(kristenanniebell) - 10月23日 07時49分

Today i was in the studio working on #DoReMi- a preschool show that explores music! Different atyles of music, how to sing it, how to read it, how to play and how to love it! With music programs being cut from public schools left and right, i couldnt imagine spending time on something more important than this. Im also a voice on the show, along with @jackietohn #fredarmisen and many other talented people, and i cannot wait for you to see it!! Thank you @amazonstudios and @gaumont_ for being auch champions of kids music education!!! Also, i did not know i needed a banana dress until i got this one by my new fav brand, @farmrio.
(Thats Frank in his bed on the floor sleeping like a good boy).


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