ミーガン・ラピノーのインスタグラム(mrapinoe) - 10月20日 23時19分

The future for @themendico is bright and I am super stoked to be launching this brand new product to improve athletic recovery. I have had a lifetime of collaborating with my twin @rrapinoe—we’ve made it our north ⭐⭐ to help others be their best selves. The first line of HEMP products for Mendi help me be my best. it’s exciting to announce what I love using with you. All products are available online now! We all have an inner athlete in us that needs to recover better.
It’s been a wild year riding the wave of excitement and optimism after the World Cup win, only to come back home and face the reality that imposing barriers are continuing to slow our progress towards equality. My work helping Mendi grow has been a refreshing opportunity to make change at the ground level, laying the foundation for positive change, particularly in the corporate world. Please follow along as we’re just getting started, but off to the races!
#themendico #recoverbetter #mendistrong #leveltheplayingfield #femalefounders #equalpay


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