Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 10月19日 02時50分

I feel like I get this questions asked A LOT how do you stay motivated!?
The truth is I’m not always motivated! But I am disciplined. Discipline is something that is earned through consistency and continuing to do things I don’t want to do! Reaching your goals is not going to be convenient it’s not going to be easy! Sometimes it’s gonna down right SUCK and beat you down! But guess what you’re not gonna die! You can get though it!😤
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and making EVERY EXCUSE IN THE BOOK! I’m sick of hearing it! We all have excuses but those who you see reaching their goals and dreams are the ones that don’t play into the EXCUSES. -
Are you the person who makes excuses!? Or are you the person who is going to get SH*T done and stop listening to all your own bullsh*t excuses!? -
Going for your goals is going to be HARD it’s going to be UNCOMFORTABLE it’s going to cause SUFFERING AND PAIN AND FAILURES! But guess what when you fight through it and end up on top in the end THERE’S NO OTHER FEELING LIKE IT!💪🏼
Take a hold of your life and your future! Get started today on your journey! Message/DM me and let’s talk about your goals today!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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