オードリー亜谷香のインスタグラム(audrey_ayaka) - 9月25日 21時08分

I had so much apprehension about turning 30. As I near the end of my birthday. I can truly say this has been the best birthday yet. To all my friends and loved ones who sent well wishes, thank you so much. I’m so blessed to have friends like you. I have never felt more loved than I have today.
To those who guided me through the epoch of my twenties, gave me advice (solicited or not), stood by me, cried with me, laughed with me, supported me, believed in me, and loved me, I have nothing but gratitude for you. Thank you for making me the woman I am today. Your wealth of knowledge has truly enriched my life.
Dirty thirties here I come! ⚡️🖤🥳 #thoughtsonthirty #dirtythirty #30 #thisis30


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