レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 9月16日 04時21分

I live in a world of constant judgement and criticism, a world where eyes are always waiting to catch you doing something odd or saying something off the wall. #electriceyesareeverywhere It's #HumanNature. Growing up I remember how much of a goofball I was and I have to remember that I am still that same kid. We all take ourselves too serious! Laugh at yourselves and admit your mistakes you're allowed to not be perfect! I will make sure that I smile, and laugh more. I hope you all do the same! Thank you @biancavidale for capturing this side of me. #mj #DR #yogi #theteeth #favoritesongofalltime #fourwallswontholdmetonight #seethatgirlsheknowsimwatching #ilikelivinthisway


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