Phil Heathのインスタグラム(philheath) - 9月11日 05時37分

We often hear about “what would you tell your 20 or 25yr old self?” I can honestly say I have never liked that question because it wouldn’t change a thing that I would want different in my current life. The only thing I would tell my then 22yr old self would be to continue to be yourself regardless of whomever misunderstands you and to continue trusting in my own abilities. What I am now focusing on is what improvements and goals am I setting forth for my 40, 45 and 50 year old self. This prompts me to remain in the current state, strategizing, creating new systems and protocols which will provide me the best opportunity to achieve whatever I want in life. The past especially in this picture told a young man’s story of leaving one sport and finding another. The pic on the right illustrates the result of those 15yrs of staying unrelenting, continuing to be dauntless and at times even “DARK” in ways many wouldn’t understand unless they’ve walked the same wild journey to the highest levels of bodybuilding. All in all I look at these images and thank myself for always being ME and never quitting on my pursuit of absolute excellence & happiness. I wish you all a great week and also to thank yourself for making through life’s challenges, which in fact has provided you the wisdom, thoughtfulness, kindness, even fearlessness necessary to stand up to life’s newest challenges and look that sum bitch straight in the eye and laugh saying “oh you again, well I’m back and ready for war so bring it on!” Love to All!!!!! 💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏾💪🏿 #PhilHeath #7xMrOlympia #PhilHeathLabs #PhitApp #GiftedAthletics #HeroVillain #DreamKiller #iamonlygettingstronger


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