トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 9月10日 10時24分

I love being around ppl who have made bad decisions & are open enough to share the lessons they learned. That’s real life.
Every poor decision you make has a lesson to go with it. Nobody does everything perfect all the time.
You can avoid seeing it & suffer with no benefit or you can force yourself to look at the you role played. Nope, it aint easy OR pretty. .
When we are intent on being a victim, sadly, usually the lesson is missed..because it’s likely “somedody else’s fault”.
Leveling up just can’t happen without OWNING UP. Whether it’s only to yourself or not, it’s always gotta start there.
#powerup #takeYourpowerback #novictims #upgradeyourlife #levelup #honesty #faceyourfaults #moveforward #selfwork


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