ブルック・バトラーのインスタグラム(brookieserene) - 9月8日 02時22分

One year ago today I got to sing in a pilot for Showtime. This picture would be from my “highlight reel,” a fleeting moment accumulated after working every single day on my acting, voice lessons, dance, early mornings, late nights, skipped parties, tearful nights when it doesn’t go my way and then the next morning when I got up and did it all again anyways. I’ve lost more times than I could even count. I’ve been “second choice,” or not pretty enough, or not ugly enough, or skinny enough, or fat enough, or simply not enough. But making life itself art, making all my days full of art, whether it sees the light of day or not...that makes me happy. And so I do it. Every day. I make my life art. 1% of the art I make actually gets seen by you all. So if you too, like me, are bleeding for your dream right now, keep going. And make the way you do everything art. Denzel Washington said “if you hang around the barber shop long enough you’ll eventually get a haircut.” We are all in this together. It’s a collaboration. I’ve got your back. Keep going. I can’t wait to see your highlight reel.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



