ブライアン・アダムスのインスタグラム(bryanadams) - 9月7日 15時18分

Just the fact that this T-shirt has to get printed blows my mind. I remember the save the whales campaign from the 1970s! Even after years of people campaigning to stop whaling, there are still countries that persist like Japan, St Vincent/Bequia, the Faroe Islands and Norway that consider it acceptable to kill these magnificent giants. There’s no need for it, despite any cultural or aboriginal claims of sustainability. The future is recognising that killing animals for food is fucking up the planet. Thanks to @キャサリンハムネット for the T-shirt. #pleasestopkillingwhales #inspire #pleasestopkillingwhalesanddolphins #savethewhales #govegan 🌱 🐋 🐳


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