リース・ウィザースプーンのインスタグラム(reesewitherspoon) - 9月4日 01時57分

So many stories on Instagram focus on success, but sometimes it’s important to remember that rejection or failure can really be a great help in our lives. When I first started as an actor, I went on an audition for a part that i wanted more than ANYTHING. This was an incredible movie with a huge male movie star as the lead. I had 3 callbacks, then a screen test and one day my agent called and said, “You didn’t get the part, the lead actor liked working with the other actress more. “ Oh boy, did I cry. Ugly tears. For 3 whole days. But I recovered. And I got a different job. It wasn’t the same and I never watched that movie (!) but I learned so much from that experience. Over the years, I lost as many parts as I got. I was always considered TOO something. Too short. Too feisty. Too energetic. I once got told I seemed too smart to play a young female character. 😳 I'm not gonna lie, sometimes all the rejection would hurt my feelings, I would take it personally. I definitely cried in the shower a lot in my 20’s. What I didn’t know then was : rejection teaches you perseverance and how to get tough. And you also learn ... not every path is right for you. My friend @ケリー・ワシントン always says “Rejection is God’s protection”. You are on a path that is made for YOU. Sometimes the universe is protecting you from a bad job or a toxic relationship. So remember next time you fail at something or someone leaves you heartbroken.... let yourself be sad, grieve what didn’t happen for a minute but move ON. Better things are waiting for you. 📷: @abeautifulmess


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