サラ・ステージのインスタグラム(sarahstage) - 8月30日 01時23分

WARNING.. it’s a long one .. Just a little reminder #momlife (Set/ @fashionnova )
I am a human being
I am flawed and I am doing my best. I can’t undo mistakes and I can’t take back things I wish I hadn’t said. I can only accept my own limits and work to be a better person and mother.

I am not alone
Each parent has struggles too. Often, I choose not to share or show the bad moments, but I’m eager to flaunt the good. Realizing that others are experiencing similar emotions empowers us all.

Tomorrow is a new day
Each failure is an opportunity to try to do it better next time. On days when I don’t feel like a good mom, I try not to dwell on it. Everyone has a bad day. Tomorrow is a chance to achieve where I failed today.

I am blessed
Not everyone who wants to have children is able to do so. It wasn’t easy for me to get pregnant with the boys. Having my sons is an immeasurable gift and when I have days where I feel overwhelmed, I reflect on how lucky I am.

I need to forgive myself
The world is filled with judgment. Social media and the “overparenting” trend have created a culture where we hold ourselves to unreasonably high standards. When I have a bad moment, I forgive myself for it. The only person who matters thinks I am the best mom in the world.
There are days when I nail it, days when I ace this whole motherhood thing. I make it through 24 hours of tantrums and negotiations and boogers, farts and uneaten food with grace. I am proud of myself on those days, but honestly, they are rare. I am doing my best and I’m learning; and by loving myself and accepting my flaws, I become a better parent.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




