フィービー・ディ・トマソのインスタグラム(phoebeditommaso) - 8月27日 19時19分

Feel free to insert all your eye rolls and head shakes here... But we haven't had a D&M moment for a while 💕 And I'm never going to STFU about mental health and all things associated... or sharing my experiences. Sooooo. Yep. Hi. Here we are.
I've had a B I G 2 weeks of insanely high energy work & events *ICYMI (& have loved every. single. second of it.)
But. I think it's immensely important to acknowledge the fact that after the up comes a down. The fact you're allowed to feel flat after being so HIGH. So that was me this weekend. Crashing. Rollercoaster feels (not the fun ones.. I did NOT go to a theme park) which I'll be honest was pretty scary and had me thinking 'ohh fuck where is this gonna leave me!?' 'Am I about to go back to the bottom of this hole again!?' 'When TF is my medication gonna kick in?' .. for a minute there. And yesterday I actually thought my head was going to explode with wayyy too many emotions happening. Meltdown.
I literally had to check myself. Before, well. You know.
But. Hooooray!! I did not! I slept lots. Chilled the F out. Breathed deeply. Hugged lots of g people.
A friendly reminder to love thyself. And your people. And take the most care xxxxxxxx
So basically my energy faded just like my hair colour has since this pic but also I'm getting it re-pinked next week so I'll be BACK! Muchos more I could say RN but I'll leave you with that 💕💗💓💖💞 #mentalnotes #pinkispower #mentalhealth #higherthanair #checkyourself #chillTFout #faded #allthefeels #unomomento #mentalhealthmatters


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