キンバリー・ペリーのインスタグラム(thekimberlyperry) - 8月20日 07時10分

“end of summer. end of another. my tears runneth over.” - nite swim
i have so many mixed feelings when seasons change. what ab u? i think it’s because i really, really miss things when they’re gone. especially when they were beautiful.
this was my summer in emoji form: ❤️💋👯‍♀️💥🌶🍷
in june i got to do this photo shoot with one of my favorite photographers - @sashasamsonova . we went out to this old movie set close to joshua tree, put oil all over (except actually i forgot to put it on my legs in this shot, which is excellent - i noticed right before posting. figured u guys would forgive me.) and pretended to be a hot sweaty sexy mess in the desert. sasha always had to show me how to stand because...um...she has the grace of a swan and I have the grace of a baby bird. my heart’s super in the right place, but i’m still figuring out how to navigate my body. ha! we had a blast. in july i got to spend a weekend in asheville, nc with my gfs. being with them was like taking a deep breath of pure oxygen. life giving u know? in august, i’ve gotten to meet some fellow women artists i’ve looked up to for a long time AND reconnected and collaborated with some of my tried and trues. it’s like i’m in the best version of the twilight zone i can possible imagine. it’s been an inspiring 3 months and i’m super sad to see the season go, but i - always restless, always leaning forward - am anxiously awaiting what’s next.
ur all so gorgeous and special. thank u for ur open minds about our music and ur open hearts to my ever-evolving story. play nite swim as much as u possibly can and don’t forget to add it to ur playlists and share the streaming link with ur friends, k?? love u!
pool party soon!
drop me ur fave moments from the summer in the comments below. xx


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