ニッキー・リードのインスタグラム(nikkireed) - 8月19日 10時44分

Now back to our usual programming :) Once a week I dedicate my social media to a different student from our @yearsofliving #PutAPriceOnIt campaign to share a story that relates to carbon pricing. This Sunday's post comes from Charlotte Stuart-Tilley in Tallahassee, FL. Enjoy! “My name is Charlotte, and I'm a fellow in Florida with the organization Our Climate. I was a counselor at a kids' day camp recently (the camp focused on renewable energy and the climate crisis) and as an icebreaker, we asked each of them what their favorite part of nature was. Things like the ocean, birds, trees, turtles, deer, panthers, jungles, sunrises, and rocks were mentioned. The best part, however, is they all had at least several things to say. One kid threw their hands up and said 'All of it!'. Later, as they learned about global warming and pollution, there were audible gasps and questions like 'Then why are we still using fossil fuels?' or 'What can I do?'. As a climate activist, it made my heart happy to know that these kids appreciated the beauty around them, and more importantly, they wanted to protect it. I think that inside we are all like those kids. We may not show it, but there's something about nature that everyone appreciates and wants to protect. We just need to get back to that childlike feeling of wonder and willingness so we, the "grownups" and "big kids", will make global change and create a system that's sustainable. By putting a price on carbon pollution, we will reduce pollution and invest in clean energy to build that system.”


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