ヒラリー・スコットのインスタグラム(hillaryscottla) - 8月9日 05時22分

When my strong and beautiful friend @ケイト・アプトン asked me to join her in #ShareStrong I was 💯 there! When I think about what and who motivates me it’s these three little girls and their daddy. My goals entail doing something daily to strengthen my spiritual, mental, and physical body. MOVE my body(boxing, yoga). Listen and read things that MOVE my heart and mind(time with God, reading, podcasts, listening to music) so I am set up better to act out of a place of love and strength, not fear and insecurity. True self-care is healthy and not selfish...I’ve learned from experience(the hard way!) that the definition of “self-care” can sometimes be “unhealthy coping habits” dressed up in a wellness buzz word. I challenge you to search inward to find the daily routines that make you feel grounded and full-and to cut out what feels toxic and unhealthy! AND recruit your people to rally around you(and you them!) and gain deeper/rewarding friendships and accountability in the process! 💕💕💕


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



