ホイットニー・ポートのインスタグラム(whitneyeveport) - 8月7日 06時18分

Below is a quote from my new article I wrote for @refinery29 with @bundleorganics about what being a working mom means to me. I’m always asked how I balance my career and my family. I’ve found It’s so important to try to get to a place of peace with imbalance. That perfect “balance” we are all looking for simply doesn’t exist. To read the full article head to the link in my bio.
“The most important thing (okay, the TWO most important things) I want to tell working moms is that doing your best is the best thing for your family, and that there's no shame in asking for help or trusting others to care for your children when you need to work. That kind of guilt has no place in modern motherhood.”


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