ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 8月6日 23時45分

Some decisions you make just because they feel like the right or only thing to do even though it may appear to be rash or out of the blue to those on the outside. And then afterwards with some inner sigh of relief you look back and you’re happy you trusted your intuition in that moment. Super happy I decided to move to Wales and buy a house here. There hasn’t been much time for easy soloing because I’m too busy trying to get strong 💪 and work on my coaching and speaking. I may have spent more time on the plastic and wooden grips this summer than I have in the last 10 years?! (Which isn’t that much). But there has been some outside climbing been happening too. Sometimes you have to actually face up to your weaknesses and try something different. For more fun videos like this one of me soloing Cemetery Gates In Llanberis Pass (on my new doorstep) have a look at the @hotachesproductions YouTube 🙂 @blackdiamond @lasportivagram


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