ジョエル・マーディニアンのインスタグラム(joellemardinian) - 8月4日 22時00分

I love the fact that my babies get ATTACHED to me when they are super young, because once the can run they will only come back for hugs when they are tired or sleepy 😴. So I take advantage of this closeness that is heavenly. So many animals carry their young for years 😊 so I personally believe that we should not force our babies to be detached from us! When we put them down and they cry for attention it means they need the closeness of our body to feel secure and loved, so we need to comfort them. God created our babies unable to walk so we can carry them everywhere to strengthen the special bond. #iamlovingit #ilovetobeamum #love #protect #secure #nurture #blessed #mylove #mylife #myheart #mysoul


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