キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 7月30日 05時34分

I think we are all constantly on that journey of understanding what our boundary lines are and how to truly express our voice in this world. I grew up in the industry and that journey can sometimes make you feel trapped in a role that doesn’t allow you to evolve. Sometimes ppl want you to stay as an idea when you are expanding as an individual. And though our journeys are our own, I feel we all go through transformations and through them the mission is the same: To define and redefine our voice ❤️. Much love you to baybee @ベラ・ゾーン and make sure you guys check out her new book!!!!!!! “Life of A Wannabe Mogul: Mental Disarray”, proud of you. @strahanandsara #StrahanAndSara


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