ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 7月22日 02時10分

Cool piece of history - on this day back in 2002.
An epic @WWE match.
It was just my turn to carry the “brass ring” on this night.
Our roster was so deep back then with big box office drawing$ talent we all took turns at being the #1 guy in the company.
Plus we only had one WWE Title so that created a relentless hunger with all of us.
It was a very cool, unique & special time in pro wrestling.
Thanks to the best play by play team of all time - Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler.
Thanks to @RealKurtAngle & the legendary Undertaker for the dance.
Most of all - thank you to the audience - the ones in the seats - for the electricity and energy - and for continuing to rock with me down this wild and unpredictable road of life.
Cheers 🥃
#grateful #peopleschamp #undisputedchamp


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