Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 7月16日 04時49分

One thing was clear at Mazzy’s visiting day. We sent her to the right camp. Mazzy chose it herself at a camp fair and I had my reservations because it was very different from the camps I went to as a kid, but we also couldn’t disagree with any of the reasons she liked it— mainly that it was small, they let the kids make their own activity choices, and the kids wear beaded necklaces that represent camp values like integrity and kindness. She was so in her element, it was ridiculous. The counselors all said she was the ultimate camper. She was high-fiving her friends as we walked from one activity to the next. And she has tried so many new things. Like the trapeze!!!! If you swipe left, you can see her complete her very first “catch.” I also loved seeing Mazzy lead Harlow around, hand in hand, explaining to her everything that she has been doing. I almost felt like Mike and I learned more by eavesdropping on them than she would have told us on our own. Mazzy was a little sad to see us leave but I feel confident that the next two weeks are going to be filled with as much fun and adventure as the first two! You can see more of the camp in my stories- including Harlow really testing her limits to keep up with her big sister. And my mom and Sam taking possibly the funniest videos (or lack of videos) I have ever seen. Seriously, I almost peed myself laughing so hard while I was posting them 😂😂😂

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