Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 6月28日 22時24分

Harlow stayed up late and watched a little bit of the first debate with me. She decided she liked Elizabeth Warren (because she seems nice) and that going to the doctor should be free. She said she definitely wants a woman to win. I said there are also a lot of good guys running and she looked at me with her “i don’t think so” face. You know the one. She asked why Kamala Harris wasn’t there and I told her she would be in a second debate the following night. She knows Kamala Harris because she wrote a children’s book about how everyday people can be superheroes. The book has her picture and her life story in the back, which was a smart move on her part because we’ve read it together numerous times and now my 6yo feels invested. I didn’t want to keep her up a second night, but Harlow snuck into my room last night after bedtime anyway. Bernie was speaking and Harlow said, “I don’t like him.” Which is understandable since she is basing her opinion on delivery alone. And you know, the whole “he’s a man” thing 🤣 I tried to shoo her back to bed but she said, “I want to stay until I hear her voice.” So I let her hang around until Kamala spoke, which happened a few minutes later when Kamala talked about addressing a question on race since she was one of the only people of color on the stage. Harlow said, “See? NOW people are clapping.” Then she went back to bed. As a funny aside to this story, I mentioned a little bit of this exchange on twitter and got absolutely railed that I made it all up. I was like, that’s cool. You obviously don’t know my kid. She’s got her own news program 💁🏻‍♀️😂


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