ヒラリー・クリントンのインスタグラム(hillaryclinton) - 6月24日 01時52分

I've been heartbroken and horrified to read the news of children at the border being detained in appalling conditions. No soap, no toothbrushes, no beds. Not enough food, babies being forced to take care of babies, everyone sick.⁣

It's hard to process that our country is committing such abuses—and against children—in our name. But let's not stop at outrage or heartbreak.⁣

There are amazing groups at the border and beyond doing critical work to defend the rights of immigrant and refugee children. If you can, please chip in to support a few of them today.

We can help these children get the help they deserve. And we can send a message to the administration that we won't stand for this. We just won’t. #CloseTheCamps


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