Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 6月16日 23時37分

Happy Father’s Day to all the good Fathers out there that work super hard to provide food and shelter to their kids, but even a bigger hug to those Fathers that are able to build character in their kids so that they can make this world a better place. It’s hard being a Human in #PlanetStupid , but it’s even harder being a good Father or a good Mother with so many fake values and so many fake people around. If as a Father, you are not ready to die or kill for your kids, then disregard this message, it’s not for you. Salute to those who really are holding the fort on these dark times. I send you all my Love and Blessings.
A Father is a Father is a Father...
Vid by my friend @tjderry and @johnmac_bjwt
#BeHuman #SaveOurPlanet


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