マリア・コーレワのインスタグラム(marachok) - 6月15日 03時17分

Today @darianvolkova sent me a link to all the pictures from our recent photoshoot and I have to say how much of a professional she is! On some pictures I didn't expect myself to turn so different from my usual self! 😱🙌🏻
But to the serious topic: do you ever feel like you forget stuff? Im asking because it's my usual state of mind. I'm always afraid of forgetting all the small and big things I’ve to do. I'm afraid of leaving my phone at any place, I'm afraid of forgetting to answer a text, I'm afraid of not remembering the yesterday's corrections on my variation, I'm afraid of forgetting what's important in my life and what's not, what I’m aiming for. 💭 And you know what's funny about it? I keep forgetting all of this anyway! 🙈😅 So probably I should stop being nervous about it and start doing something to make it better? 💪🏻 Any advices? 🤔
I’m sure you guys are not as forgetful as me! And I wish you to have lots of fun this Friday! 😘 Love you all lots!


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