レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 6月12日 06時54分

Dead tired. Literally. I cannot get myself off the couch. This photo from last week with makeup on feels like it’s from another dimension entirely. Slept two hours last night and for the past few days I’ve just been low, low, low. Low on energy. Low mood. Low in vibration. Not sure if it’s related to what I’m (not) eating - has anyone reacted with serious emotional turmoil from cutting out gluten and wheat and soy (and the 52 weird things on the list I’m too tired to mention)?😅 Sugar is supposed to be on that list but it’s not - at the end of the day I’m craving sugar so bad I’m literally eating dates by the handful on the couch🙈 Filling them with peanut butter and covering in dark chocolate with a sprinkle of sea salt on top. Mmmmmm.... It’s like since I got the Candida diagnosis my whole body went nuts - I crave sugar WAY more knowing I’m not supposed to have it right now than I did before knowing. Normally when I feel low I cook or bake but now I’m in this weird in between place where I don’t know what I’m supposed to be eating so I can’t enjoy either. Ok I have no point with this post other than to vent and say THIS WEEK IS THE LONGEST WEEK EVER and it’s only Tuesday. Luckily @ogyogini just landed on the island and we’re diving into retreat magic on Thursday and I’ll get to be on my mat and share and connect and move and hug and feel all my feelings. Sometimes it’s like my soul knows a big heart opening is coming so it collects collects collects in preparation. I teach my best classes when I’m feeling it all and right before every group I get blessed with, well, something to work with.
Wouldn’t life be boring if we had to pretend we had our shit together all the time??? I don’t know what I’m doing right now. And that’s ok. I am where I’m supposed to be🌙 #herenow


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