クナル・ネイヤーのインスタグラム(kunalkarmanayyar) - 6月11日 07時00分

Bon Jour! from the South of 🇫🇷. As I start my holiday I will be taking a break from social media for a while (I may stick around a day or two because your comments make me smile:) Before I go, I wanted to leave you with this: I used to think that the opposite of fear was courage. But I realized that the opposite of fear is actually love. Love is the opposite of fear. So if you’re feeling anxious, or panicky, or fearful- just focus on being the most loving, compassionate, and empathetic human that lives inside of you. Today when you are out and about- smile at a stranger, hold open the door for someone, help a friend or a loved one in need. Because when you become the epitome of love, when you truly become love itself, fear can no longer exist. I promise you this. With all my heart... good bye for now. #namaste


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