Amanda Cernyのインスタグラム(amandacerny) - 6月5日 12時29分

Everyone is sleeping in their rooms now at home and I can’t. Im too weirded out. It’s @alittledoobietherapy last night with us. My family has tried every option to extend his life but must put him to sleep in the morning to end his suffering. This is really hard. It’s intense. Sad. Weird. Especially for my mom. Doobie is her baby! Please go and send her strength and comfort in messages and comments to help her get through tomorrow. I love you mom @grandmasteramyreed . Prayers and love sent Doobies way ❤️ He could use it. All of us are the same. We will experience this. Death is not the opposite of life but a part of it. We have to live our lives with compassion and just so much realness and love! It’s too short and unpredictable not to. If you’re going through something similar.. I really hope our community’s comments can bring you some comfort as well.

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