ケリー・キローレン・ベンサイモンのインスタグラム(kellybensimon) - 6月5日 00時43分

Staying fit is a commitment. I’ve recognized that my metabolism isn’t the same at it was at 40. Instead of lying to myself about what I can snack on, or push snooze on my phone instead of going to soul cycle, I stay committed to my workout uniform. I run in streets to avoid texters, I’ll wake up 5 minutes earlier to the aroma of coffee, and I do what’s right for my body. No tricks, just committing to leading a healthful life style. I focus on listening to my body, and feeding it what it needs. Take @soulcycle with me: come run with me, let’s do what’s best for our body. Now, tell me your workout routine! Xx Kkb


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



