レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 6月4日 14時53分

Please watch this 4-part series on @ネットフリックス so you don't just rely on your own opinion of what goes on in America. You will actually see what happened to a group of young kids from Harlem just being kids. As a kid growing up in America my Mom's fear was that something bad would happen to me when I walked out of the door, not because I was up to no good but because she knew that as a young BLACK child in America I was a target, the usual suspect! As I watched this story with my family, my wife and I had to (once again) talk to our 4 sons about what it means to grow up Black in America. How they cannot roam the streets at all hours of the night, how to act if you are driving and get pulled over by cops, why you don't wanna be wearing a hoodie running through our own neighborhood and many other behaviors that are commonplace everyday occurances for everyone else; but for us seen as threatening. Our mere presence as Black people makes some feel "unsafe." For these reasons, it's why our kids have a curfew, that we (parents) impose, not because they aren't deserving of the opportunity to hang out with their friends, but because we are afraid for their safety. For most of us, growing up, we had to be home by the time the street light came on because our parents knew the dangers that lurked and for most of us growing up we hated it-but we obeyed. As I'm writing it down it sounds so crazy and some of you will argue it, but I assure you, this is the life of a Black man in America. All I ask is that no matter what you look like or where you come from, show some empathy for people that don't look like you! It's not asking a lot. Are you a part of the disease or are you a part of the cure! #centralparkfive @whentheyseeus Thank you @ava for your brilliance.


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