Arat hosseiniのインスタグラム(arat.gym) - 6月2日 21時50分

Where are you from?
Today, Arat's page has 2.1 m followers.
Thanks to everybody who introduced Arat in any way. Now he has followers from all over the world, though we live in a town far away in the north of Iran. In the beginning, even people of our own city didn't know Arat, but now people of different cities and countries know him.
I share Arat's videos to motivate all families and parents to pay more attention to their children and try to make them successful.
We never had any wealth or enough money, but I always tried to make my son a champion. Others made fun of me but I didn't give up. I always continued my way with full power and will always do the same.
Our children are our wealth. At the time of my death, I will be happy and proud to dedicate the world a champion like Arat.
I don't know from which country and city you are, but I say thank you to you from a village far away for your support and we love you regardless of your religion and nationality.

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#آرات #آرات_حسینی #ایران


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